On November 3, 2020, millions of Americans will cast their votes in support of presidential candidates with diametrically opposed views on the future of health care in this country. President Trump has been unwavering in his opposition to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and has made a consistent effort to diminish the ACA’s efficacy, consistent with the President’s 2016 campaign promise. Like-minded congressional opponents of the ACA were also instrumental in passing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act which essentially resulted in the repeal of the unpopular individual mandate (reduced the penalty for not complying to zero dollars beginning in 2019), viewed by many as punitive to economically vulnerable individuals. Presidential candidate Biden, on the other hand, is an ardent supporter of the ACA. The polarity in the views communicated by both candidates mayhave a profound effect on the delivery of employer-provided health care in years to come based upon the outcome of the election.