Are you protected if your customers’ private information is compromised?
- One of your employees was working on her computer at a local coffee shop. But she left the flash drive with 300 customer records on the table when she left. When she went back for the flash drive, it was gone.
- A virus got into your computer system and caused all your security systems to crash, allowing anyone to access private and sensitive data.
- A new cleaning company accidentally threw out active customer files that had social security numbers, credit card information and birth dates.
Situations like these play out in companies of all sizes every day of the week. If something like this happens at your business, do you have the proper insurance to cover the damages? The costs can be significant and most standard policies don’t provide to cover these exposures.
A Ponemon Institute study puts the average cost of a security breach at
$202 per customer record compromised!
Consider adding Security & Privacy protection to your insurance portfolio.
Coverages include:
Cyber Liability
Disclosure Injury – lawsuits alleging unauthorized access to private information
Content Injury – lawsuits alleging intellectual property infringement
Reputational Injury – lawsuits alleging libel, slander or defamation
Conduit Injury – lawsuits alleging harm to third-party systems
Impaired-Access Injury – lawsuits alleging customer systems being unavailable to customers
Cyber Liability
Privacy Notification Expense – including credit-monitoring services
Crisis Management Expense – including public relations consultant services
E-Business Interruption – including first-dollar expense
E-Theft Loss – extended to networks outside your company
E-Threat Expense – including the cost of a negotiator and ransom payments
E-Vandalism Expense – even if it was cause by an employee